Since its opening, Galleria Michela Cattai has focused on the study, research and selection of works of Modern and Contemporary Art and Design by some of the most important artists and designers of the twentieth century and brought them together under one roof.

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Galleria Michela Cattai / Posts tagged "eco del bosco"

Franco Marrocco Frosinone

FRANCO MARROCCO L’ECO DEL BOSCO ROMBERG a cura di Luigi Fiorletta e Italo Bergantini 22 APRILE -20 MAGGIO 2017 INAUGURAZIONE Sabato 22 aprile 2017 - Ore 16:00 MACA – Palazzo Pietro Tiravanti viale Mazzini, snc - FROSINONE Si inaugurerà sabato 22 aprile alle ore 16, nelle sale espositive del MACA – presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone, la mostra personale di Franco Marrocco dal titolo L’Eco del Bosco, a cura di Luigi Fiorletta e Italo Bergantini. L’esposizione, già protagonista negli spazi di Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive di Spoleto, è alla sua seconda tappa e raccoglie gli ultimi 3 anni di ricerca dell’artista che vedremo anche...

Franco Marrocco
L’eco del bosco

Galleria Michela Cattai inaugurates its new exhibition space in via Brera 4, Milano with personal works by Franco Marrocco. The title of the exhibition is “L’eco del bosco”(The echo of the forest). The research of the painting through various different themes is an essential characteristic of the work of Marrocco. Within these themes, the pictorial cycles can be clearly defined; the artist has developed his own original “colour practice” through a process combining overlapping and glazes. Pierangelo Sequeri has quite rightly summarised this procedure as “the transparent becoming an image in the painting”. “L’eco del bosco” presents seven recent works of Marrocco. The title...