Since its opening, Galleria Michela Cattai has focused on the study, research and selection of works of Modern and Contemporary Art and Design by some of the most important artists and designers of the twentieth century and brought them together under one roof.

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© 2016 Galleria Michela Cattai

Claudio Salocchi, Sormani

Galleria Michela Cattai / Claudio Salocchi, Sormani

Claudio Salocchi, Sormani

Centro Bookcas, 1960

Centro Bookcase by Claudio Salocchi, manufactured by Sormani, 1960.

Pivoting frame, metal and wood.
H: 83,5 x 31 x 31. in ca.


European ‘Living-Art’ Today, The National Museum of Modern Art-1966-Kyoto, Japan
Magnificenza e Progetto, Cinquecento anni di grandi mobili italiani a confronto,
Palazzo Reale, 2009 Milano.
Villa Reale, Mint 2009, Milano.


La Rivista dell’Arredamento, n.141, settembre 1966.
Domus, n.467 ottobre 1968.
Domus, n.479 ottobre 1969.
Repertorio del Design Italiano 1950-2000, G.Gramigna, Allemandi,
p.82 similar example.

