Since its opening, Galleria Michela Cattai has focused on the study, research and selection of works of Modern and Contemporary Art and Design by some of the most important artists and designers of the twentieth century and brought them together under one roof.

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Galleria Michela Cattai / Events (Page 3)

Selection of historical art and design

Galleria Michela Cattai renews the exhibition space in Via Fiori Chiari 7, Milan. October 2013 - Selection of historical art and design of Italy. Authors present Art section: Angelo Savelli, Gianfranco Baruchello, Vito Acconci, Claudio Parmiggiani, David Boriani. Authors present the Design section: Gio Ponti, Franco Albini, Tommaso Buzzi and Bianconi for Venini, Osvaldo Borsani, Max Ingrand for Fontana Arte, Angelo Lelli for Arredoluce....

Wooden Furniture Exhibition

Art Design korea for Ideun Wooden Furniture. Jegal Jaeho_J. Wood / Wood Working Academy CEO Kang Sinwoo_Seoil University Dept. of Living Furniture Design Professor Song Yoonsup_Yega Living Design CEO Cho Hunsang_Design Group Nexus CEO Shin rangho_Kangwon National University College of Design Dept. of Interior Furniture Design Prof. Wi Hanrim_Hyupsung University Dept. of Furniture Design Professor Lyu Soohyun_Hyupsung University Dept. of Furniture e Design Professor...

VOGUE Fashion Night Out

The Gallery opens for the Vogue Fashion Night 2011. Italian Design: Gino Sarfatti Carlo Bugatti Ignazio Gardella Claudio Salocchi Piero Fornasetti Max Ingrand per Fontana Arte [eltd_separator class_name="" type="normal" position="left" color="" border_style="dotted" width="82" thickness="2" top_margin="" bottom_margin=""] Work of Art: Aldo Tagliaferro Conrad Marca-Relli Paolo Scheggi Pierpaolo Calzolari Angelo Savelli Claudio Parmiggiani Sandro Martini...

Roma. The Road to Contemporary Art – 2011

Galleria Michela Cattai is in Rome, at ROMA. THE ROAD TO CONTEMPORARY ART 2011. We present for the Design section the following designers: Ico Parisi Gino Sarfatti Piero Fornasetti Gio Ponti [eltd_separator class_name="" type="normal" position="left" color="" border_style="dotted" width="82" thickness="2" top_margin="" bottom_margin=""] For the Art section the following artists: Paolo Scheggi Aldo Tagliaferro Claudio Parmiggiani Angelo Savelli Pier Paolo Calzolari Elio Mariani Pietro Coletta Sandro Martini...